Wednesday, November 24, 2010


23Things has been a really refreshing way of learning and a part of work that is something to look forward to. I would encourage anyone else to do it too (and have nearly got everyone at our library finished).

It was amazing - last weekend we were looking at real estate windows and on each property poster was a QR due to 23Things I knew what they were & could explain it & saw a really useful application!!

I would love to do more of this type of learning with other things such as endnote...I like self paced and online style but I realise this isn't everyone's favourite way of learning.

thanks Kate for all your hard work! please keep it up...


Now this is the second time I've heard of a Mashup. The first time was on Glee where they combine 2 songs together!

It's fun to play around with images & photos, and Kate I love the VALA clip with the little girl - she looks like a little you maybe!!! Maybe we could do something like this for Oweek???

I liked spell with flickr & put my name in, but I loved Colour flickr - would be good to combine that with Glogster! Would that be a triple mashup?


I tried Glogster to do a poster rather than a story which was fun. I've got a video to add to it later. I used to have software to do this but now it's all online & you can see all the other cool stuff everyone else is creating. It's such a sharing environment now. For libraries, I think it could be fun to do some posters that are bright & inviting with a fresh new image & add videos of our own libraries to promote to prospective students.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mobiles & QR codes

I tried Curtin's library catalogue on my iphone & it's very easy to use. Even the covers of books came through with the call number on the first screen. How much time could this save students on public transport on the way to Uni?? I don't know any students without a mobile but not everyone has an iphone...they are getting cheaper though and mobiles are so important now socially that getting the latest is a priority! QR codes could be useful, how about a competition for O Week? Could we be ready in time? We are always looking for something cool & new in orientation. Testing a Librarian is a natural progression from our current email format. I would volunteer to trial it! I remember thinking 10 years ago that I didn't need a mobile phone. Everyone laughs at me now if I admit to that...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Audio Podcasts are great for busy people! It's good to be able to listen to stuff while stuck in traffic or on a plane. Lots of people prefer to learn by listening rather than reading, & how good is it for people with vision impairments? Libraries can use Podcasts for instructions & information too, it just takes more staff time of course, which we never have enough of! I like your 12 seconds Kate, doesn't it go fast?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

twitter & tweetdeck

Yeah sure there is a lot of not really necessary stuff on twitter, but all I remember is in the middle of a 2 day conference, Kate Bunker was the first one there to hear that Tony Abbott had won the leadership - which was a big shock at the time!
If anyone is confused by twitter try
it helps to manage & organise all your tweets & followers, & can link to facebook & myspace.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Slideshare will save a lot of time - I just found this EndNote presentation & hope it works on my blog! What are the copyright restrictions in these sharing websites? Do you give up any rights once you post it out there for all the world to use?

Thursday, September 23, 2010


i was always hesitant about putting myself out in FB land - i joined in 2007 & did nothing with it & got mad when i couldn't completely wipe my profile off. it seemed to keep coming back. Well I finally added my photo and wrote on walls etc. and nothing really bad has happened to me. worried about nothing!

like flickr i love it for sharing photos. i still would rather catch up with my real friends face to face though!

i like Tanya's idea of offering prizes or incentives for getting students to 'like' the library facebook page. Maybe Joanna can do one of her great powerpoints about it?

Monday, September 20, 2010


i have loved playing with flickr - so many great photos & so many really artistic, clever ones. I have heaps of photos that I've wanted to show my sister & just keep putting it off, now it's easier. I told some friends I had been putting photos on flickr and they said "what's that? just put them on facebook, that's what everyone uses"  Oh Well! I guess that's next week. I want to try Picasa for photos as well. Flickr - best Thing so far!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


It really amazes me how much is out there on the weirdest subjects! As you can see from my photos I really love ferrets and so of course I used this to search delicious and connotea. Within minutes I found myself buying ferret hammocks online. It's another way to find what's out there instead of a search engine, I guess.

Tagging is amusing to me, because as a library cataloguer I saw it as a job or work to assign headings or subjects. It seems that people love it though! And the constrictions of LCSH was always very annoying. I find tagging great for Library Thing where people assign specific or even odd tags & you can easily find other weird books . One thing I don't like as a cataloguer is bad spelling in tags!!

The world is big
Just checked out Google Buzz and it's neat --because it's linked to gmail, comments go straight to your  Inbox and I can use this on my phone.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Online tools for books

Hey, this Thing is great timing for me.

I organise a book club...well when I say organise there isn't that much I have to do but at the moment I'm looking for suggestions for books for next year.

My pet ferret Lisa
Google Books is great for ideas & the best thing is when you click on a cover (and I love seeing the covers!) you are given a sneak preview of the first few pages - scanned & easily readable. Subjects are listed down the left and easy to click on & tons more books show up. All easy to use & lots of old books not just new ones like on bookshop sites.

Library Thing is good for people's honest reviews but the site is harder to use, haven't got everything out of it yet. I joined it years ago & it has changed a lot since then. People buy, sell & swap books still though.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I just found out RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.

I guess it is really simple eventually! I like the way you can find heaps more cool stuff on the web like recipes & specific subjects. Sometimes, though ,I thought I was getting feeds from a topic like Mini Coopers but it was just the topic that week and it was really general car stuff.

it's good to get the feeds through Outlook which took another couple of steps - i thought somehow magically they would get there without me putting the url in!!!

great for Library biz as I forget otherwise to read it (sorry to confess)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Google Docs

Hi everyone,

I like Google Documents & can see a good use for them not just at work but at home too!

Every Christmas my family sends hundreds of emails about where to have Christmas, who will host? who will bring what? what time suits?

With google docs we could all input into one document instead of sifting through all that back & forth mis-timed email.

They would be great in our multi-campus setting where collaboration is needed with policies or procedures & this is what sharepoint does too.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Wiki week

After looking at our Wiki on Sharepoint, I realise this would have been great when I was creating the Cataloguing procedures! Everyone could have contributed their expertise as they found time. Well it's never too late, procedures are never ever finished...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

New goals!

the hardest thing about learning new skills is getting started! last year my goal was to learn tennis and be able to play in a competition. those first steps of finding a coach & the confidence to front up as an adult beginner was really hard...but now I have been playing competition tennis every thursday night and love it.

my goal for 23 things is to embrace new technologies and not be afraid to put myself into cyber space. i will be looking for help from other people and so we can all help each other get through & finish on time!