Thursday, July 29, 2010


  1. Hello and welcome- you did it!!
    How are you finding the Dewey book? I liked the part when they said the library lent out novelty cake tins for birthday cakes- what a brilliant idea for the users!
    Don't forget to post on thing 2- lifelong learning....

  2. Dewey was wonderful! I sent a copy to our friends in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. We lost our 20yr old 'Smokey' this year. He was my boy. Dexter's a nice looking chap!

  3. After looking at our Wiki on Sharepoint, I realise this would have been great when I was creating the Cataloguing procedures! Everyone could have contributed their expertise as they found time. Well it's never too late, procedures are never ever finished...

  4. It seems like a pre-requisite for anyone working in a library to have a cat. I'm not disagree I think it is wonderful. If only my mother wasn't allergic to them...
